Monday, 8 April 2024

Rye Field Models RM-5033 1/35 2 in 1 Panzer IV Ausf J Chapter 6: Tracks

RFM offer individual links together with a fitting jig. They are an appropriate type for the vehicle. Along with this out of the box solution I had quite a few other options. First up I had the three-return roller link and length tracks leftover from the Border kit. In addition I also had two 3D printed aftermarket sets.  T-Rex and QuickTrack. As I hadn't yet tried them, I finally opted for the QuickTrack snap fit set.

These are type 7 links and come in two bags for both left and right fitting. A small bag with a few open links and wire, to which you can thread through to close a completed track loop is also included. Both runs were built up in an alarmingly quick 20mins. They do indeed simply snap together and are far more robust than they look once assembled. 


The idler wheel axle does have a small locating tab to fix it in one position inside the lower hull housing but that is easily removed if you wish to adjust it. Even with the tab left in place both my completed runs fitted perfectly. The top run doesn’t sag over the return rollers as naturally as the T-Rex type links with pins, but that is simply due to the QuickTrack design having more friction in the snap nature of the connection. It is not an issue as it only takes a little manual manipulation for them to look the business.

 Chapter 7


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