Thursday, 2 February 2023

Building the 8 ton Sd.Kfz. 7 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen Chapter 3: Dragon Kit 6562

Continuing on from the introduction
Apart from the Trumpeter kit #01507, Trumpeter kit build the only other Sd.Kfz.7 Holzpritsche version currently on the market in 1/35 is by Dragon. Their kit #6562 was released in 2009. 

The details are sharp, and the kit fits together very neatly. Unfortunately, it has very different inaccuracies from the Trumpeter offering built in my introdution post. The largest issue being the cargo bed framework. Although not hugely visible on the finished model, they have included the reinforced framework from their Flak variant which is totally different from the cargo version. In addition, they have not updated the instrument panel to the 'late' full horizontal panel design, nor have they included the late running gear (wheels and tracks). Late models were occasionally seen with the early wheels so although not entirely incorrect it would have been nice for Dragon to have updated the tooling for these too! 

Although no canvas tilt is offered, they do get the cargo tilt frame arrangement correct. Sadly, they also misinterpret the layout of the rear bench, and just like Trumpeter, include two side facing benches instead of the correctly orientated back to back layout. The kit's clear plastic windscreen moulding depicts the older style drivers side split screen with opening which was dropped in favour of two non-opening panels.

Other issues that are easily resolved include replacing the engine bay horn to represent the Bosch circular style one and moving the cab tilt hoop frame from the load bed to the cab.


A full step by step build log can be found here

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