After posting my intentions earlier in the year to get busy completing the numerous shelf queens, guess what? Procrastination set in yet again! 😳 A bunch of new purchases distracted my plans, and I set about building those immediately! Models built are Dragon's medical version Kubelwagen, Miniart's Mercedes Typ 170V saloon and my second Tamiya's Steyr 1500A. All are ready for a coat of Tamiya fine primer.
There is a plan afoot I promised myself. After inspiration from a series of photographs, I plan to display each of these recent builds on a series of interlinking bases showing a stretch of road with a single or several models on each base.
Dragon's relatively old Medi Kubel is a lovely little kit and apart from some additional sculpting of the canvas roof fitted together painlessly. I found the styrene quite soft so removing small items from the spruce and sanding was very easy. The engine door, driver’s seat and wheels will be left off to aid painting and the all in one clear screen will require some masking on both sides before painting commences.