Sunday, 7 February 2016

Sd.Kfz.8 DB10 Gepanzerte 12t (Trumpeter) Chapter 1: Build history

Kit:                                          Trumpeter # 01584
Tracks:                                    Kit tracks
Photo Etch:                             Kit PE
Start date:                              February 2013

This is a kit that I started in 2013 and was about to start painting the body when we moved home in 2015. She made it to the new place intact but has sat on the shelf of shame ever since! I am still undecided what paintwork to apply as the box art is not too exciting and I have only seen other completed examples in a simple plain Dunkelgelb. Perhaps as only a few examples ever existed a bit of artistic license can be applied. I quite like the idea of a late war wavy hard edged Tri-Tonal. We'll see? 

My original and ancient build blog can be found here

The running gear is complete. The interior requires the benches to be finished, a late fire extinguisher to be found and some paraphernalia to be distributed within. I can then attack it with some oils and pigments. The engine needs some more pipework and then weathering. The kit does not provide a radiator so I need to be careful with open engine hatch placement! Once that's done we can close her up and get some exterior paint on:)

Completed lower chassis and running gear

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