Saturday, 13 February 2016

2015-2016 House move and keeping busy......

Productivity away from the bench 2015-2016

So it turns out I was quite busy for short periods at the (temporary) workstation's I resided on during our prolonged house move!  No painting but under the circumstances quite productive!  I started building the Dragon Ferdinand premium kit, an ICM Renault AHN (Lastkraftwagen), Riich models Skoda RSO Radschlepper, the ancient Tamiya Sd.Kfz.7 primemover, Roden’s Opel Omnibus, Tamiya's Tiger I mid production, a Takom Type 2.5 VW crew cab and lastly a kit bashed soft skin build. This comprised an Italeri ambulance, a Ford V300 chassis together with Dnepro Model's resin fenders and Einsheitskabine (wooden cab)


For the life of me I don't recall getting any of the stuff below but photographic evidence proves this was all purchased at SMC Telford 2015!

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