Tamiya Marder Sd.Kfz 135 Marder I
Build Info:
Tamiya kit #35370
Aftermarket parts used: Brass ammo by RB Models
Tracks: Kit tracks
Decals: Kit decals
Paint & finishing info:
Primer: Halfords primer grey rattle can
Camo: Tamiya XF88, XF60, XF2, XF57, XF89, XF64
Tracks: Vallejo VAL70304
Varnish Tamiya X22
Mig Enamel dark wash, Abteilung Oils, Mig Pigments
Interior parts made from Green stuff (Tarpaulins) and accessories by Panzerart (Fuel can), Bronco (Jerry cans), AFV Club (Ammo cannisters) and crew gear by Dragon
* It is worth noting that it appears the kit was referenced using the Marder I on display at the Musée des Blindés at Saumur. The tracks are on back to front and should be turned around. I was not aware of this issue at the time of my build so they have remained the 'wrong way round'. It is not a mammoth task to turn the link and length tracks around but care will be required to bend a few of the upper individual links between the sprocket and first return roller.