Saturday, 11 March 2023

Building the 8 ton Sd.Kfz. 7 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen Chapter 9: Dragon kit: choosing a subject

Over the last few years, I have started to base more and more projects on period images of vehicles. With such a wealth of online material it is often possible to find multiple images which makes the task of replicating them accurately a real possibility.

Before I added the decals which included the licence plate, I did a little research and picked out a vehicle that I would loosely replicate. Two images caught my eye from the fantastic Canfora publication ‘AFV Photo Album’ As per the caption this 8t was likely to have been from the 6th Pz.Div and together with the 3.7cm Flak it was towing was abandoned in Polná, Czechoslovakia in 1945. 


I then tracked down the location via Google maps. It was evident it sat on a slight incline and interestingly all the buildings adjacent were still standing. As I already had a Flak 3.7cm almost completely built I set about sourcing material to place them on a suitably sized base.

Chapter 10

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