Saturday, 8 July 2023

A long winding road.


I’ve just got back in my man cave after a protracted absence, and I have been musing on why there are some projects, that don’t pan out as intended. I always plan to push myself and better my last creation, but on occasion many things can and do conspire against that happening. One such example is a shelf queen resurrection project, already some eight years gathering dust. Although to be fair, it was in fact thankfully sat in a box quite dust free, but the gathering bit sounds more appropriate😊 In February I had just finished a lightning quick build of the same vehicle by a different manufacturer and was lucky enough to get it published. This inspired me to pull this older build off the shelf and make it even better.

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Building the 8 ton Sd.Kfz. 7 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen Chapter 11: Dragon kit: Weathering

After a month away from the bench I've taken a fresh look at how the whitewash looks and although it didn't come out at all as I was intending, a step away has made all the difference. I’m now slowly working my way through areas of the cab that I feel still need improving and have started on a list of small things to do to prepare for all the sub-assemblies and tracks coming together.