Sunday, 1 October 2023

Zvezda Mercedes L4500A Chapter 8: Adding a trailer

The trailer I choose was an old Azimut resin kit that I purchased from SMC many moons ago. It was a pretty basic kit but somehow Azimut managed to still managed to supply one of the side panels 20mm short. The axles were also lead items so collapsed under the weight splaying out the wheels.  It was pretty terrible OOTB TBH and although I fixed it up it went straight to the shelf of doom.

Being a simple cuboid I figured a snazzy camo job would liven things up.


Base coat modulation and highlights on the trailer. A stencil was also used to patina the panels

After a coat of VMS satin varnish, the trailer also received some weathering, This started with a MIG dark pin wash followed by enamel and oil effects to represent a mucky, dusty look.                    


Chapter 9

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