Saturday, 25 May 2024

Rye Field Models RM - 5086 1/35 StuH 42 & StuG. III Ausf G late production Chapter 5: Panzerwerk resin tracks

 The Panzerwerk Design tracks arrived, and I could not wait to check them out. They thankfully arrived safely packaged. Inside the branded cardboard box there contained a small instruction sheet, two bags of links and two bags of half-pins (inner and outer) These bags were safely packaged inside small individual plastic boxes. Both the links and inner and outer link pins were nicely rendered, and all of the pins were of uniform length and arrow straight. There are 220 links and pins which is more than enough for both Pz.III and Pz.IV running gear. They assembled without any issue with zero breakages. Not one pin broke and they all engaged into each link with a satisfying and reassuring ‘click’ I must admit the carpet monster ate around three or four half-pins but that was totally self-inflicted. They articulate well and look absolutely stunning.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Rye Field Models RM - 5086 1/35 StuH 42 & StuG. III Ausf G late production Chapter 4: Alkett or MIAG?

As we have seen already, there are a few features that were unique to one or the other of two manufacturers that built the final batch of Ausf G, but unlike MINIART, RFM do not specify which one they are representing. Most features you are instructed to add, do point to an Alkett built vehicle; however, a few others have been confused. If you know what features are particular to each manufacturer then it makes it easier to differentiate, and the inclusion in the kit of almost all the features of both, is a big plus. If depicting an Alkett build, it is worth noting that RFM only include the original round type MIAG installed tow cable brackets. Alkett brackets were a unique square shape and as the kit part is moulded to the tow hooks, they ideally will need to be replaced along with aftermarket copper braided tow cables. Both Modelkasten and Panzerwerk design offer these brackets. Observing the details on the Alkett track guards; the tubular supports are not quite as faithfully represented as they could be. The shape is not quite on the money, but inclusion of photoetch strengthening ribs improve the overall appearance. The rear convoy light RFM provide is not one that either manufacturer fitted. It should be of the tube type design. These can be found as spares in many Panzer kits. I believe RFM’s own Panther kit have them. 

Monday, 13 May 2024

Comparing 1/35 aftermarket 3D printed tracks (2024)

Aftermarket track links are not cheap. Let’s get that out of the way first. Often as much as 50% the price of a kit! Whether you think they are good value and will enhance a build will be down to personal preference. Although kit manufacturers have made great strides in improving what they now offer in their kits, whether it be individual tracks, workable, or the link and length type, there is no denying that the workable type have a huge advantage over the conventional fixed or rubber band type.  The natural sag that a set of workable links exhibit is difficult to replicate. It can be done but it is not always straight forward. Whilst Friul metal tracks were once the go to aftermarket tracks, let us look at some recent additions to a rook of 3D printed tracks that have recently hit the market.


Sunday, 12 May 2024

Rye Field Models RM - 5086 1/35 StuH 42 & StuG. III Ausf G late production Chapter 3: Gun box, engine deck and fixing the loaders front armour plate

I’m currently building up the engine deck which comes as a separate moulding but I’m not going to attach all the parts permanently until I can confirm how the Legends Production stowage I have sourced is contoured to fit. 


Engine deck, armoured engine hatches and gun box roof still dry fitted.

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Rye Field Models RM - 5086 1/35 StuH 42 & StuG. III Ausf G late production Chapter 2: Construction fixes

One construction fix which was pointed out to me by a fellow modeller, involves two strengthening ribs (parts D13 & D14), which you are instructed to add to the undersides of the gun box in step 13. What they do in essence, is create a channel which allows the gun box to align squarely onto both of the thin lower hull side plates. The problem is that they only need to be fixed a fraction off and the channel will become too narrow. To remedy this potential fit issue, you just need to attach the parts directly to the lower hull instead. There are alignment slots in the lower hull side plates too, so it’s a really simple fix.



Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Rye Field Models RM - 5086 1/35 StuH 42 & StuG. III Ausf G late production Chapter 1: Whats in the box & construction begins


Having recently finished building RFM’s Panzer IV Ausf J and currently still having lots of fun with their Panzer IV Ausf J interior kit, I really fancied tackling another one of their 1/35 armour kits. This year I’ve not started another soft skin, which is what I mainly build, as these kits have just been such a pleasurable experience. The engineering is so good, and the plastic such a similar colour match, that I keep thinking I’m building a Tamya kit😉  


Friday, 3 May 2024

Dragon 6253 1/35 Tiger I Late production Chapter 1: Whats all the fuss about?

With the 80th D-Day anniversary just around the corner and just the one decade on since I purchased this, I have finaly got round to popping the lid.

What can I say about this kit? Well after 19 years since its release it still looks to be the gold standard of Tiger I kits. Tiger guru David Byrden had a hand with technical advice with this one and his website is invaluable to anybody who likes to model these big cats. He even has a page dedicated to pointing out both errors and fixes for pretty much every Tiger 1 released to date Scrolling down to this particular kit we still have a few small bugs to address. No big issues, but a few little anamolies that David points out and advises how to solve. Looking at all the current big box Takom builds on the tinterweb, I notice even these brand new releases still have there issues. Some of which were not present on this kit 19 years ago ezKn7J The one big bonus over this Dragon kit and one that the current crop of Tiger I late kits over the last decade have adopted, is the inclusion of moulded on zimmerit. Although some folks still prefer to make there own or use resin sets, I think the majority of modellers welcome this.