Saturday, 6 May 2023

Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured cargo version. Chapter 5: Painting and weathering the cab interior


Before the cab assemblies can be fixed together the instrument binnacle, radio and wiring, seats and roof tarp were brush painted with Vallejo acrylics and the instrument decals added. My kit included two sets which was fortunate as decal number one did not represent the dial in anyway shape or form. Decal number two was used twice to represent the largest dials and some extra placards were also added from my decal spares box.

To seal in the paintwork and prepare for the external decals and all the upcoming weathering stages I turned to my favourite product, VMS satin varnish. This can be airbrushed direct from the bottle with a little thinner giving the model a good wet coat to level. It can be left a couple of hours in-between coats if required.

Decals for this kit include just Wehrmacht number plates which you can add your own individual numbers, a weight stencil, and divisional insignia. I added just the weight and number plates. These were sealed with another coat of VMS satin varnish.

This is the only internal reference pic I have. The instrument binnacle appears to sit a little higher than it does in the open top cargo variant. Im not 100% sure that a radio was fitted to these vehicles. As I added the one provided in the kit I will have to find a suitable spot on the exterior to add the aerial mount.


The cab has been closed up. There are only four tiny locating holes to connect top and bottom cab assemblies and with the lower half having a slight downward bow a few clamps were required to hold it while the glue cured. There is a little clean up required but TBH it could just as well be hidden with dust and debris.

I have taken a few pics looking inside and while these images are always tricky to shoot with so little light in the interior, I think there is just enough to see. While the two halves were separate I used a MIG neutral wash to highlight raised detail with a drop of MIG Dark wash added to darken corners and use to lightly speckly the floor and sidewalls.


 Chapter 6

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