Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured cargo version. Chapter 2: Construction


The kit chassis is a one piece item


Front axle and suspension added


Sprockets and idlers I will be using


Front wheels fixed at full lock

    Sandwhich design front wheels

 Drivers side vision port (original plastic part)


Reworked passenger side vision port reduced in size

No front vision blocks are provide with the kit so you will have to source/make your own if displaying them open


Cab floor moulding


Production fuel filler cab extension made from stretched sprue


Cab floor, cab roof and loadbed test fitted to chassis

    Loadbed assembly

Running gear test fitted to chassis and tracks


The kits engineering of the suspension allows for extreme wheel articulation
The cab bulkhead is included in the kit but strangely not called out. As per the N & B reference diagram I used it and added the cut outs for the small arms storage. The racks were sourced from the parts bin
Bulkhead to cab welding was added with stretched sprue

All the electrical boxes you are instructed to add on the passenger side wall means there is no room for a rifle rack on this side. Rather than re-work this area I decided on a bit of artistic licence and added weld marks where the outside rack had been removed.
Witness marks on the underside of the roof you are instructed to remove on the Flak variant kits.

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