Monday, 30 September 2024

Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured cargo version Chapter 12: Constructing a base part 2

Before I could add the AK Asphalt texture paste to the raised road section the piece required framing. I had purchased some Oak veneer but test fitting it exposed an issue with the cut of the Styrofoam on one of the sides. I had used a foam cutter, and I had started from what I figured was a nice straight edge. Unfortunately, I didn't spot a couple of wavy undulations in it and adding the veneer would only expose the flaw. So, to plan B and I had just enough Basswood left from a previous project.  These are 1.6mm thick. I marked, cut and added four nice straight side pieces instead. I cut them a tad long so I could sand them square...or as sqaure as I managed to cut the Styrofoam!


Once they had cured to the styrofoam with the aid of UHU Por glue, and each other, with wood glue, AK dark mud mixed with tea leaves and scatter was added into any small gaps that were left and blended into the existing terrain.


Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured cargo version Chapter 11: Constructing a base part 1

My intention was always to display the sWS on a small diorama. I had made some rough drawings before building began and had articulated the front suspension and angled the front wheels for this purpose. This was to be a simple base displaying the vehicle abandoned in a muddy field. It would include a small section of road, a shell crater and a telegraph pole and a single figure.


Sketching out the scene it became obvious that whilst the shell crater gave a little narrative as to why the vehicle had been abandoned, adding it would enlarge the size of the base more than I had first intended. To give it more interest I would raise the roadway on an embankment beyond a small ditch.

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (sWS) armoured cargo version. Chapter 10: More mud, dust and rust

 I have started adding volume to the scratches and scuffs and dirt and mud has been added to both the top of the fenders and the load bed area.  Vallejo acrylic black brown was carefully painted into the centres of the exposed primer with a fine brush and enamel rust effects were spotted on with a brush and then blended out. Graphite will be added to edges to complete the worn look in the final steps.