first foray into building a Pz.IV Ausf J was as a dual build. It was an interesting comparison between a mid naughties Dragon kit, considered one of their best Ausf J's releases, and Border Models 2019 released BT-008 kit.
Using the well researched Panzer Tracts No.4-3 publication once more, I would now tackle Ryefield Models (RFM) 2 in 1 kit RM-5033.
This was released at the same time as their interior kit 5043 and uses similar flat pack engineering to create the Wanne (Hull tub). Kit 5033 allows you to build both a gun tank and an artillery observation tank. The instructions have you build the gun tank option with a three return roller Wanne, with extended side towing eyes. This is also how you are instructed to build up the gun tank in kit 5043. However, although not instructed to, you do get the choice to backdate the gun tank in both kits to a slightly earlier production variant, without some of the very last features. All the parts are available on the sprues.
is a kit I have very much been looking forward to building. It will be my first RFM kit and I have
only heard goods things about them as a manufacturer. Although I understand purests have spotted some accuracy issues, the kit engineering is much lauded. So without further ado lets get started.